As a fulltime photographer and founder of Kamloops Stock Photo Image site Peter Olsen Photography, I find beauty and opportunity in every season, including the transition between one season and another. That’s especially true right now, since 2020 has been full of surprises, including serving up Autumn and Winter simultaneously. That’s why I call this the blending of seasons.

Leaves are still on trees, while snow drapes their branches. Apart from being very confusing for both Flora and Fauna, it makes for some compelling imagery. There’s still colour in the landscape, but Jack Frost is announcing his arrival.

On a recent photo excursion into the rural hinterland near Kamloops, BC, the blending of the seasons was on full display. More photos of this nature can be found at
As interesting as the landscape looked from the ground, a new perspective from the air was even more compelling.
Whether your a seasoned pro or someone who has just recently caught the photography bug, there’s so much to capture with your lens. Whether it’s iconic landscapes, flora, abstracts or wildlife, the opportunities abound. Take the time to explore and experiment and soon you’ll see the world in a whole new light. Photography has taught me the difference between ‘looking’ and truly being able to ‘see’.
By the way, if you’re a business or individual looking for Stock photography of Kamloops and region, everything from landscapes, lifestyle, flora, fine art or stunning vistas of the City of Kamloops, please check out

Feel free to contact me at Olsen Photography with any questions or comments and happy shooting and stay safe!